Turning a sportswear foundry into a Fashion Golfwear Brand


Client Falcosia

Industry Lifestyle, Fashion, Sportswear / Taiwan
Scope Naming, Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Copywriting, UX/UI Design, Print Design

The Challenge


Turning a sportswear foundry into a fashion golf wear brand with sustainability at its heart.


Forward Golf Fashion


作為一家擁有 20 多年技術的運動服代工廠,這家 OEM 公司長期與北美和歐洲許多頂級品牌合作,在生產高品質運動服和運動鞋方面擁有豐富的經驗。然而,在奉獻與投入的這些年當中,也目睹了快時尚和服裝產業所帶來的巨大浪費和環境侵害。

為了將商業活動推進至能長遠發展的新時代,他們找到了 Devellen,希望一同打造新品牌,反映他們從高爾夫時尚的視角出發、誓言實踐永續的熱情。

受高爾夫術語、鷹隼、從高空翱翔俯瞰景色等想像的啟發,Falcosia 這個名字的誕生,隱喻著品牌擁有翱翔高空、展望遙遠未來的能力,以及期盼透過永續實踐來推動產業正向改變的願景。與其他高爾夫服裝品牌不同,Falcosia 的產品設計流程,從挑選來自高級服裝品牌的高品質庫存布料出發,也研究如何在不影響運動服裝品質的情況下採用回收布料,賦予這些閒置、可再利用的資源新的意義與目的。過程當中,Devellen 協助客戶奠定品牌的策略基礎,並創造了獨特的品牌個性——即自信、實踐力和靈活巧妙。

As a sportswear foundry for over 20 years, the OEM company has extensive experience in producing quality sportswear and shoes for many top-tier brands in North America and Europe. However, they witnessed the tremendous scale of waste in the fast-fashion and sportswear industry. To move the business forward into the new era of sustainable growth, they approached Devellen in hope of creating a new brand that reflects their passion for golfwear with sustainability at its heart.

Inspired by the golf jargon, eagle, and a falcon’s ability to look at the entire landscape from high above, the name, Falcosia, was born as a metaphor for the vision to revolutionize the sportswear industry with sustainable practices, and the ability to soar high and far into the future. In contrast to other golfwear brands, Falcosia begins its design process by choosing the suitable high quality garments from top-tier brands’ waste stream. They also look for ways to use recycled garments without compromising the quality of the sportswear. Along the way, Devellen aided the client in paving the strategic foundation of the brand and created a unique brand personality that is assertive, practical, and ingenious.

網站使用體驗設計,旨在體現品牌的關鍵價值和理念。作為在該產業初露頭角的新品牌,我們透過許多客製的互動設計以確保 Falcosia 的數位體驗與眾不同,並有別於大多數快時尚市場和運動服裝的網站。

由於多數使用者偏好使用行動裝置大於桌型電腦以滿足線上購物需求,Falcosia 的品牌網站設計特別關注能跨設備的響應式設計(RWD)。

The website UX was carefully designed to bring out the key values and philosophy of the brand. As a newcomer to the industry, many custom interactions were designed to ensure that the experience with Falcosia is special and unlike most fast-fashion marketplace and sportswear websites. Since most users nowadays prefer mobile interfaces over desktop platforms for their online shopping needs, close attention was especially paid to designing the RWD across various devices.


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