Transforming the Tech Startup into an Aesthetic Smart Garden lifestyle brand
Client Ava
Industry Lifestyle, Tech, Food & Beverage / Vancouver, Canada
Scope Brand Identity, Product Design, Packaging Design, App Design
The Challenge
To brand a tech startup into a sensual and modern smart garden lifestyle brand that suits the lifestyle of metropolitan women.
Brand Development and Repositioning First
由於原先的品牌識別、商標和產品設計較陽剛、功能導向、且缺乏個性,我們採取的策略是進行品牌重塑以貼合核心市場 —— 即居住在大都市小公寓的 30 多歲職業新女性。
Since the original logo and the overall brand were more masculine, utility-centric, and lacks personality, the rebranding efforts were necessary to cater towards their core market, the professional women in their mid 30s who lives in metropolitan city apartments.
One of the goals was to bring a more natural and organic touch to the overall brand identity and the product design, with more emphasis on featuring the plant. The harmonious combination of the sharp and curvy strokes in the logo design reflects the symbiosis between technology and nature.
from Branding, Packaging to Product & App Design
User Experience Design at its Core
舉凡形式、尺寸、重量、功能、使用流程和設計傳達語言,皆是基於對使用者經驗、品牌價值、企業技術的深刻理解。舉例來說,Ava 的包裝設計靈感,是來自精美的家居飾品及高級超市裡沙拉和優格的包裝體驗,這些皆與都會女性的日常經驗息息相關。
Before setting the specifications, a series user experience design research was conducted to truly understand the users’ needs, lifestyle, and environment. The form, size, functionality, weight, user flow, and design language were all informed by the deep and fundamental understanding of the user, the brand, and the technology. The research insights were then transformed into storyboarding and user scenarios, followed by rounds of design iterations and user testing. The packaging design were also inspired by beautiful home accessories and the experience of salad and yogurt aisle at upscale supermarkets.